WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform that allows you to sell products online. One of the great things about WooCommerce is that it allows you to customize your checkout page to match your brand and style. In this article, we’ll show you how to customize your WooCommerce checkout page.
- Log in to your WordPress account and go to the Dashboard
- Hover over the “WooCommerce” tab and click on “Settings
- Click on the “Checkout” tab and select the page you want to use for checkout from the drop-down menu
- Scroll down and click on the “Save Changes” button
How Do I Change the Layout of a Checkout Page in Woocommerce?

When it comes to WooCommerce, there are a few different ways that you can change the layout of your checkout page. One way is to simply edit the code that controls the layout of your checkout page. This can be done by accessing the “checkout.php” file through your FTP program or by using the WordPress editor.
If you want to make more drastic changes to the layout of your checkout page, then you will need to access your theme files. The best way to do this is through a child theme. By creating a child theme, you will be able to make changes to your checkout page without affecting the rest of your site.
You can learn more about how to create a child theme here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes Once you have created a child theme, you can access the “checkout.php” file and make whatever changes you want. Just remember, if you update your parent theme, then any changes that you made will be lost unless you have also updated your child theme.
How Do I Change the Checkout Page in Woocommerce Without Plugin?
WooCommerce checkout runners can be customized to fit the requirements of your store. There are a number of ways to change the checkout runner, and each has its own set of pros and cons. Then are so many ways to Change WordPress WooCommerce checkout Page.
Create a new Page & paste Woocommerce Checkout Shortcode
Other Way to Use Woocommerce Page Builder Plugin Like Shopready woocommerce Page Builder .
How Do I Add a Custom Field to a Woocommerce Checkout Page?
Adding a custom field to your WooCommerce checkout page is simple and only requires a few steps. In your WordPress admin panel, go to WooCommerce > Checkout Fields. From here, you can add new fields to your checkout page by clicking the “Add Field” button.
You’ll then be able to specify the field type, label, placeholder text, and more. Save your changes and you’re done! Your new custom field will now appear on your checkout page.
How Do I Change the Checkout Page in Woocommerce CSS?
The WooCommerce checkout page is the final step in the WooCommerce purchase process. It’s where customers enter their billing and shipping information, and select their payment method. The default WooCommerce checkout page is simple and straightforward, but you may want to change it to match the style of your site, or add extra fields for customer information.
To change the WooCommerce checkout page CSS, you’ll need to edit the WordPress theme files. In your theme folder, locate the file called woocommerce.css. This file controls the styling of all WooCommerce elements on your site.
If you’re using a child theme, locate the woocommerce.css file in your child theme folder. In woocommerce.css, you can add any CSS code you like. For example, if you want to change the background color of the checkout page, you could add this code:
body.checkout { background-color: #fff; /* Change to any color */
How to Edit Woocommerce Checkout Page Free
If you want to give your WooCommerce checkout page a makeover, there are a few ways to do it. You can hire a developer to code up a custom solution for you or use one of the many plugins available. But what if you don’t have the budget for a developer or plugin?
Well, luckily there is a way to edit your WooCommerce checkout page for free. And in this post, we’ll show you how. We’ll cover two methods: using the WordPress Customizer and directly editing the code.
Let’s get started! Method 1: Editing with the WordPress Customizer this method is by far the easiest way to make changes to your checkout page without touching any code.
The only downside is that it doesn’t give you as much control as editing the code directly. But if you’re just looking to make some simple changes, like changing colors or fonts, then this method will work perfectly. To get started, go to Appearance > Customize from your WordPress dashboard.
This will launch the WordPress Customizer which allows you to preview and live-edit various aspects of your site. look for the “WooCommerce” section and click on “Checkout”. Here you’ll be able to change things like the background color, heading color, and body color.
” And that’s it! Once you’ve made all the changes you want, simply click on the “Publish” button at the top of the Customizer interface and your changes will go live immediately.
” Of course, this method is only good for making relatively small changes to your checkout page. If you want more control over things like layout and functionality, then you’ll need to edit the code directly (which we’ll cover next).
Check our recent post about WooCommerce Product Variation.
Woocommerce Checkout Page Editor

WooCommerce Checkout Page Editor is a great plugin that allows you to easily edit the fields on your WooCommerce checkout page. With this plugin, you can add, remove, or rearrange fields on the checkout page, as well as add custom CSS and JS code. This plugin is perfect for those who want to customize their checkout page without having to code anything.
How to Edit Woocommerce Checkout Page With Elementor

If you want to learn how to edit your WooCommerce checkout page with Elementor, then this blog post is for you! We will cover everything from downloading and installing the plugin, to configuring it and adding custom fields. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to create a fully customized checkout page that looks great and works perfectly with WooCommerce.
So let’s get started! To begin, you will need to download and install the free Elementor plugin. Once it is installed and activated, you can begin creating your custom checkout page.
For this tutorial, we will be using the Checkout Page template included with Elementor. To access it, simply go to Templates > Theme Builder > Click on “Add New Template” and select “Checkout Page” from the dropdown menu. Once the template has been added, you can start customizing it to meet your specific needs.
The first thing you might want to do is add some custom fields to the checkout form. This can be done by drag-and-dropping the desired field into the form builder area. For example, if you wanted to add a field for “Country” or “Shipping Method”, simply drag and drop those fields into place.
Next, you can begin styling your fields using Elementor’s powerful styling options. For example, you can change the colors of your fields, add borders or background colors, etc. You can also change the layout of your form by dragging and dropping fields into different positions.
Once you are happy with how everything looks, be sure to click on “Save” in order to save your changes. And that’s all there is to edit your WooCommerce checkout page with Elementor! As you can see, it’s really easy to do and only requires a few minutes of setup time.
If you want even more control over your checkout page design, then we recommend checking out our premium Checkout Page Builder addon which includes even more customization options such as conditional logic rules and dynamic coupons. Thanks for reading and we hope this helped!
Woocommerce Checkout Manager
WooCommerce Checkout Manager is a powerful plugin that allows you to manage and customize the checkout process for your WooCommerce store. With this plugin, you can add custom fields to the checkout form, change the order of the fields, and even add new sections to the form. You can also set up conditional logic so that certain fields are only displayed if certain conditions are met.
This plugin is great for increasing conversion rates by making it easier for customers to fill out the checkout form and providing more options for customization.
Woocommerce Checkout Page Design CSS
WooCommerce Checkout Page Design CSS The checkout page is the most important part of any eCommerce website. This is where customers will finalize their purchase and enter their payment information.
A well-designed checkout page can help increase conversion rates, while a poorly designed one can lead to shopping cart abandonment. When it comes to designing your WooCommerce checkout page, CSS is an important tool that can be used to style elements and create a more user-friendly interface. In this post, we’ll share some tips on how to use CSS to design your WooCommerce checkout page.
1. Use CSS to style the form fields on your checkout page. This includes the input fields for the customer’s name, address, email, etc. You can use CSS to change the font size, color, and other styling options for these form fields.
2. Use CSS to style the buttons on your checkout page. This includes the “Place Order” button as well as any other buttons that are displayed on the page (e.g., “Apply Coupon”). You can use CSS to change the color, size, and other styling options for these buttons.
3 . Use CSS to add custom margins and padding around elements on your checkout page. This can help you create more whitespace and improve the overall layout of the page.
Woocommerce Checkout Settings

If you’re selling products online with WooCommerce, then you’ll want to take a look at the checkout settings. By default, WooCommerce will use the WordPress user registration system for creating new accounts during checkout.
However, you can change this behavior by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout and selecting the option to “Enable Guest Checkout.” This will allow people to purchase your products without having to create a WordPress account. Another important setting is the “Checkout Page” setting.
This allows you to select which page on your site will be used for the checkout process. By default, it will use the WordPress page with the woocommerce_checkout shortcode. However, if you’ve created a custom checkout page template, then you can select that here.
Once you have the basics configured, you can start tweaking the individual settings on the checkout page itself. For example, you can enable/disable coupon codes, set up shipping rates and methods, and choose which payment methods will be available. You can also control how many steps are in the checkout process and whether or not certain fields are required.
All of these settings can be found under WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout in your WordPress admin panel. So if you’re running an online store with WooCommerce, then be sure to check out these settings and configure them to best suit your needs!
Woocommerce Checkout Fields

WooCommerce Checkout Fields allows you to add custom fields to the checkout process. This can be useful for collecting additional information from your customers during checkout. For example, you may want to collect a customer’s billing address or phone number.
There are two types of fields that you can add: standard fields and custom fields. Standard fields are those that already exist in the WooCommerce checkout process, such as the customer’s name or email address. Custom fields are those that you create yourself and can be used to collect any additional information that you need from your customers.
To add a standard field, simply drag and drop the field into the appropriate location on the checkout page. To add a custom field, click on the “Add Field” button and enter the details of your new field. Once you have added all of the fields that you want, click on the “Save Changes” button to save your changes.
Add Custom Field in Checkout Page Woocommerce Programmatically
If you’re a developer working with WooCommerce, chances are you’ll need to add custom fields to the WooCommerce checkout page programmatically. Here, we’ll show you the best way to do that. Adding custom fields to the checkout page is an incredible method to collect additional data from your customers.
For example, you might want to ask for their shipping preference or dietary restrictions. By adding these fields programmatically, you can make sure that they’re added in exactly the right place and with the correct formatting. Here’s how to add custom fields to the WooCommerce checkout page:
1. First, identify where on the checkout page you want your custom field to appear. This will help you determine which hook to use when adding your field.
2. Next, create a function that will add your custom field to the checkout form.
This function should include all of the necessary code for creating and validating the field.
3. Finally, add your function to the appropriate hook on the checkout page. You can use either an action or filter hook depending on where you want your field to appear relative to other elements on the page.
If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you might want to customize the checkout page to match the look and feel of your site. Here’s how to do it. First, log in to your WordPress site and go to the WooCommerce settings page.
Next, click on the Checkout tab. From here, you can begin customizing the checkout process by selecting which fields you want to display on the checkout page and adding custom messages. You can also change the layout of the checkout page by dragging and dropping elements around.
Once you’ve made your changes, be sure to click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.