
Refund Policy

Refund Policy & License Cancellation

Our product has been gone through many qA Testing and User testing. We have approved our free version in So in terms of quality and its usability, we are quite confident. But not everyone will be satisfied with any product or its not possible to satisfied everyone. So in that case you can ask for a refund, there must be a valid reason. First, we will try to solve the issue if there is any within 48 hours of open a ticket ( Open a ticket here . In that case, if we failed to provide support or solve the issue we will accept a refund within 30 days of the product purchase date.

Refund will be given if:

Refund Will not be given if:

We always tried to solve any issues asap once we get notified about it. In some case we first try to solve the issues or try to convince. After 30 days from purchase, no refund will be applicable. Once a refund is approved all the working demo and plugin will be deactivated instantly. We reserve all the right to refuse any refund request.

30 Days Money-back Guarantee

No Question Asked

We have been serving 7000+ Customers around the world & we care for our customers. So don't WORRY just sent us a Refund Request in case you feel that this is not working for you or you didn't have the necessary addons here. We will take the necessary steps to provide you 100% Refund if the application comes within 30 days of the purchase time.